Marble Cupcakes lactose free Recipe

Marble Cupcakes lactose free Recipe

Today we prepare a recipe that will delight the sweet tooth, Lactose-free Marble Cupcakes , ideal to accompany a good coffee or simply as a dessert, the truth is that they are exquisite at any time of the day.

Lactose-free cupcakes recipe

The ingredients for six cupcakes are:

  •  60 grams of  margarine
  • 40 gr of  brown sugar.
  • 2 grams of  white sugar .
  • 60 g  flour .
  • 1  egg .
  • 2.5  tablespoons of chocolate powder .
  • 1/2  teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2  teaspoon vanilla
  • 1  tablespoon vanilla soy drink .
Marble Cupcakes lactose free Recipe

Preparation of lactose-free marble muffins

  1. In a bowl mix the margarine, in this case we have used « Flora » with the brown and white sugar.
  2. Once well mixed, we will add the rather large egg, and mix everything until we get a homogeneous dough.
  3. At this point we sift the flour and yeast and continue mixing so that there are no lumps. 
  4. Later we will add the vanilla and the soy drink. For this recipe we have chosen the brand soy drink "Hacendado" from Mercadona, for its flavor and good value for money.
  5. Now we divide the mixture in two, separating one of the halves. To the other we add the chocolate, this time we have used the Valor chocolate.
  6. We mix the cocoa well with the rest of the ingredients if there are any lumps and we begin to fill the capsules of our muffins, distribute the mixture evenly among the six capsules and then re-distribute the half that we set aside without chocolate. And directly to the oven for about 20 minutes at 180º centigrade.
Marble Cupcakes lactose free Recipe
